Upon reaching the clinic, our counter staff will assist you in the registration process. You will be given an online form to fill up, which includes some background information and questionnaires. This will help us understand your present situation better.

Your doctor or therapist will chat with you for 30 to 60 minutes. Remember that we are a team. Your privacy will be protected.

Your doctor or therapist will discuss your treatment plan with you. This may include medications, lifestyle strategies, or a specific type of psychological therapy. Your preferences will be respected.

If there are medications, you will collect them at the counter and book a follow up appointment. Depending on the nature and severity of your condition, the frequency and number of follow up appointments will vary.

We may ask about your childhood experiences, education and occupational background, past/current relationships, and current living arrangements. We are also interested to learn about your lifestyle and hobbies.

We will also ask about your past medical history, current medications, and drug allergies. If you had seen a psychiatrist or therapist in the past, do share your experience and whether past treatments had worked. The information will help us formulate the most suitable treatment plan with the highest chance of success.

Medications may or may not be recommended for you. This depends on whether a psychiatric diagnosis is made, and the nature and severity of the psychological disorder.

We will take into consideration your treatment preferences. In most mild to moderate conditions, there are ways to get better without medications. Most psychological disorders respond to both medications and psychological therapy. Some respond best to a combination of both.

If your doctor feels strongly that you will benefit from medications, he will discuss the benefits, side effects, and types of medications with you. Often, there are several options to choose from and we will decide on the medication together.

We hope to empower you to take control of your treatment and recovery. We want to be valuable advisors and guardians as you remain in the driver seat in this journey.

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological conditions. He/she has a medical degree and has obtained post-graduate qualifications (Masters or equivalent) in the field of psychiatry, and is accredited by MOH to provide medical care for persons with psychological conditions.

A clinical psychologist is a therapist who is trained in psychological conditions and delivery of psychological therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy. He/she has a Master’s degree in clinical psychology and/or equivalent qualifications in psychotherapy.

A good psychiatrist or psychologist views the patient’s problems not in isolation, but interprets them in the context of his/her life circumstances and personality. Psychiatrist or psychologist, we all strive to provide holistic and effective solutions to your problems.

At Private Space Medical, you get to choose whether to see a therapist or doctor. If you are open to the idea of and willing to consider medications, we recommend speaking to the doctor first. If you would like to avoid medications, consider speaking to the therapist first.

We currently do not offer hypnotherapy at our clinic. But there is scientific evidence that hypnotherapy may facilitate positive behavior change, such as in smoking cessation or overcoming certain behavioral or substance addictions. It can be helpful when used to complement psychological therapy, medical advice, or medications. Hypnotherapy is generally not recommended as a standalone intervention. Feel free to discuss with our experts the role and utility of any intervention you have in mind.

There are effective treatments for the vast majority of psychological conditions. Some conditions tend to be chronic and long drawn. But that does not mean it is futile to seek help. The earlier you seek help, the higher the chance of full recovery.

At Private Space Medical, we take pride in helping our clients regain their day-to-day functioning and live a purposeful life. If you find yourself struggling emotionally, do not hesitate to reach out. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Share your story and let us journey with you.

The frequency of your appointments will depend on your condition and treatment plan. It may range from weekly to 6-monthly. You will decide on the follow up arrangements together with your doctor or therapist. We are a team and would like to suit your needs as much as possible.

Counselling is a more generic form of emotional support which involves active empathic listening and reflecting the client’s state of mind and preoccupations.

Psychological therapy, on the other hand, is a more technical exploration of the client’s presenting problem, to achieve a deeper understanding of the roots of the issues, and then working with the client to generate and apply solutions, implement strategies and impart new skills. These strategies and skills could be more cognitive (taking a new perspective, reframing thoughts) or action-based (doing things a different way).

Psychological therapy has been shown to physically and positively alter brain circuitry. It can lead to sustained, lifelong improvements in our mental well-being.

This depends on the nature and severity of your condition, and the treatment strategies adopted. Every client is different and we tailor our treatment approach to each individual. In general, we expect to see some improvement within 1-2 weeks, and significant improvement within 4-6 weeks.

We very much like to meet you in-person on the first consultation. This helps us understand your situation, concerns and expectations better, and allow us to engage you more personally in the formulation and implementation of your recovery plan.

You may opt for virtual visits (video / tele-consultations) in subsequent sessions after discussion with your doctor / therapist. We strive to maintain the same high standards of care whether we meet you in-person or virtually.

If you are unable to come down for an in-person first consult (e.g. overseas or have accessibility problems), please reach out to us and we will make arrangements for a virtual consult.

Your medical records are kept strictly confidential within our medical records system. We will not share your medical information with anyone without your permission. Our system is not linked to any public system.

However, there are two exceptions. First, we may be required by law to release medical information if requested for police investigations or to comply with a court order. Second, we may have to divulge medical information if that is what is required for us to exercise our duty to protect our clients. For example, if a client has very strong thoughts of ending his/her life, we may have to inform a trusted family member.

Rest assured that your privacy and confidentiality are our utmost priority.

Yes you may book an appointment to see us, whether it is to seek a second opinion, or to have your care transferred to us subsequently. To help us understand your background and treatment progress, we will ask you some questions about the previous diagnoses, medications and therapy progress. We are glad to be of service in any way possible.

Yes we do conduct home-based evaluations and deliver home-based treatments. This will have to be specially arranged with our doctor or therapist. If you have difficulty leaving your home, or are unable to visit our clinic for any reason, we are happy to visit you at your home. Reach out to us for special arrangements.